02. jQuery's `ajax()` Method

The .ajax() method is at the heart of all asynchronous requests for the entire jQuery library. There are a couple of ways you can call the .ajax() method:

$.ajax(<url-to-fetch>, <a-configuration-object>);

// or 

$.ajax(<just a configuration object>);

The most common way to use the .ajax() method is with just the configuration object, since everything can be set inside the configuration object.

What's a "configuration object"?

A configuration object is just a plain ol' JavaScript object that's used to configure something. For example:

var settings = {
   frosting: 'buttercream',
   colors: ['orange', 'blue'],
   layers: 2,
   isRound: true

…the settings configuration object can be used in the imaginary MakeCake constructor function:

const myDeliciousCake = MakeCake( settings );

Alternatively, the settings object could be passed in directly:

const myDeliciousCake = MakeCake({
   frosting: 'buttercream',
   colors: ['orange', 'blue'],
   layers: 2,
   isRound: true

Making an Ajax call

jQuery's .ajax() method has to be incredibly versatile and powerful if it's what powers all of jQuery's asynchronous requests. A simple Ajax request would look like this:

    url: 'https://swapi.co/api/people/1/'

Let's test it out!

  1. go to the jQuery website
  2. open up your browser's developer tools
  3. make sure the network traffic is being recorded
    • in Chrome, switch to the network pane
  4. add the request above to the console
  5. …aaaand run it!

_Running an asynchronous request in the console. The request is for a resource on SWAPI. The request is displayed in the network pane._

Running an asynchronous request in the console. The request is for a resource on SWAPI. The request is displayed in the network pane.

So we can make a request with .ajax(), but we haven't handled the response yet.